War & Peace in the Balkans

The First World War is associated in people’s minds with the millions who died on the Western Front. In the Balkans, however, war was not waged in the trenches; it passed through towns and villages, radically changing people’s lives.
Through rare film archives and expert testimonies, the documentary War & Peace in the Balkans depicts the dramatic changes that swept through the lives of the inhabitants of the Balkans, from Bosnia and Serbia to Bulgaria, Greece and the Ottoman Empire.
100 years after World War I, the film gives a landmark reassessment of the region’s history, by overcoming national narratives of the war and reaching a common history of the war from a regional ‘Balkan’ perspective.
The film includes interviews with historians Mark Mazower (University of Columbia, NY), Christopher Clark (Cambridge University), Ulf Brunnbauer (SE European Studies, Regensburg), Hannes Grandits (Humboldt University, Berlin), Halil Berktay (Sabanci University , Istanbul), Vesna Goldsworthy (Kingston University, London), Thomas W. Gallant (University of California), Ian Beckett (University of Cantebury), Philip Carrabott (Kings College London), Dubravka Stojanovic (University of Belgrade), Jay Winter (Yale University) and the author Misha Glenny (‘The Balkans’).
- DIRECTOR Andreas Apostolidis
- HISTORICAL ADVISOR Christina Koulouri
- PRODUCERS Rea Apostolides & Yuri Averof