History Lost

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A multi-media exhibition tracing the looting of archaeological sites around the world and demonstrating how objects lose their historic value when taken out of their native setting.
Including text and photo contributions from archaeologists, policemen, lawyers and experts from over 100 countries, the exhibition has been hosted in cities across Europe including Nicosia, Athens, Ancient Nemea, Trieste, Lisbon, Dublin, Brussels and Belgrade.
A full catalogue of the exhibition is available in English, Greek, Italian and Portuguese.
Greek title: Η Κλοπή της Ιστορίας
- WRITEN BY Andreas Apostolidis, Neil Brodie & Peter Watson
- RESEARCH Anemon Productions and the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre (University of Cambridge)
- PRODUCERS Rea Apostolides & Yuri Averof
- IN ASSOCIATION WITH the University of Cambridge, the Greek Ministry of Culture, the Cyprus Dpt. of Antiquities and the University of the Aegean
- SUPPORTED BY the Culture programme of the E.U and the Hellenic Foundation for Culture

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